**Coming Soon**
Skwarchuk, S., Button, B., Wright, A., Lodwick, K., Melo, S., Connell, J., Vizina, Y., Young, M., Eades, G., Dalayoan, H., Guervarra, B., Lowe, S., Hayag, Z., Kiefer, B., Blatta, K., Shin, Y., Collins, M., Dalit, L., Black, C., Nenka, M.,… & Douglas, H. (book chapter accepted June 2023). Exploring early numeracy learning opportunities with the TOYBOX community project. In X. Name & S. Name (Eds.), Beyond 1, 2, 3: Early Mathematics Education in Canada (pp. xx-xx). Canadian Scholars: Women’s Press.
Vizina, Y. (available August 2023). Métis Pedagogy in Land-Based Teaching and Learning. In M. Kress & K. Horn-Miller (Eds.), Land as relation: Teaching and Learning through Place, People and Practices. Canadian Scholars. ISBN 9781773383392 (refereed book chapter) https://canadianscholars.ca/book/land-as-relation/
Vizina, Y. (2022). Ancestral knowledge in a contemporary world. In Y. Boyer & L. Chartrand (Eds.), Métis rising: Living our present through the power of our past (pp. 66-84). Vancouver, BC: Purich Books, UBC Press. ISBN 9780774880756 (refereed book chapter) https://www.ubcpress.ca/metis-rising
Vizina, Y. (2018) Indigenous perspectives of sustainable development. In W. Leal Filho (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Sustainability in Higher Education. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-63951-2_17-1
Williamson, K J., & Vizina, Y. (2017). Chapter 2: Indigenous peoples and education in the Arctic region. In State of the World's Indigenous Peoples: Education. Vol. 3, pp. 39-73. New York, NY, USA: Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Social Policy and Development, Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, United Nations. ISBN: 978-92-1-130341-4 and eISBN: 978-92-1-362902-4
Vizina, Y. (2013). Saskatchewan river biome. In R. Howarth (Ed.), Biomes and Ecosystems: An Encyclopedia. USA: Salem Press. ISBN 978-1-4298-3818-9 and eISBN 978-1-4298-3818-4
Vizina, Y. (2008). Métis culture. In C. Avery and D. Fichter (Eds.), Kã-kĩ-pe-isi-nakatamãkawiyahk Our Legacy: Essays (pp. 169-181). Saskatoon, SK, Canada: University of Saskatchewan. http://digital.scaa.sk.ca/ourlegacy/essays/OurLegacy_Essays.pdf
Vizina, Y. (2022). Decolonizing sustainability through Indigenization in Canadian post-secondary institutions. Societies. 12(6):172 Special Issue: Anti-racist Perspectives on Sustainabilities. Datta, R. (Ed.). MDPI: Switzerland. (refereed open access journal) https://doi.org/10.3390/soc12060172
Vizina, Y. and Kobei, D. (2017). Indigenous Peoples and sustainable wildlife management in the global era. Unasylva. Vol. 68 (249). (Commissioned by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations) http://www.fao.org/publications/card/en/c/b9ab7023-3045-4d6b-b782-87907ef6b7c7/
Vizina, Y. (2014). Biocultural education: Métis life in the 21st century. Langscape: Exploring Biocultural Approaches to Education. Vol. 3(1). On-line journal article.
Vizina, Y. (2013). Rethinking science education: An Aboriginal perspective. Langscape: Emerging Paradigms Series Part I. Vol. 2(12). On-line journal article.
Vizina, Y. (2012). Diverse knowledge systems. In Tengö, M. and Malmer, P. (Eds). Knowledge for the 21st Century: Indigenous Knowledge, Traditional Knowledge, Science and Connecting Diverse Knowledge Systems. Usdub, Guna Yala, Panama, 10 – 13 April 2012. Workshop Report: Stockholm Resilience Centre.
Vizina, Y. & Wilson, P. (2019). Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples: A holistic approach toolkit for inclusive municipalities in Canada and beyond. Canadian Commission for UNESCO. Ottawa, ON: CCUNESCO. ISBN K34-7/2019E-PDF, 978-0-660-31370-2.
Michell, Dr. H., Vizina, Y., Augustus, C., & Sawyer, J. (2008). Learning Indigenous science from place: An action research study examining Indigenous-based science perspectives in Saskatchewan First Nations and Métis community contexts.Ottawa, Canada: Canadian Council on Learning.
Vizina, Y. (2008). Nourishing the learning spirit: Elders’ dialogue. Ottawa, Canada: Canadian Council on Learning.
Vizina, Y. (2008). Métis culture. University of Saskatchewan Digital Archives: Our Legacy. On-line article.
Dr. Yvonne Vizina
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